Jupiter-Venus Talisman Silver Ring (*Limited Edition*)

Assembled on June 3rd.2021 between 13:50 – 14:25 with Jupiter in the second degree of Pisces
Intention:Together the three generate a pronounced good fortune in almost and success in any endeavour, it is an energy of celebration, of optimism, expansion of the heart, joy, uplifting and exhilarating experiences, self-expression, creativity, and excellence in actions.
Price:$260 USDSize:1.0cm/1.0cm – 0.4Inch/0.4InchMetal:Solid Sterling Silver 925
Product Description
Jupiter had recently entered the water sign of Pisces, and we are more than happy to celebrate this special astrological event! After a year and a half that Jupiter was travelling in the signs of Saturn, entering Capricon (the sign of its “fall”) in December 2019, right with the first cases of Covid in china, and we know what happened next… all of 2020, Jupiter’s signification of freedom and abundance were lowered to the minimum, as fear, isolation, rules and regulation etc (Saturn significations) were taking over the world stage. After entering the sign of Aquarius on 21st December 2020, with the powerful grand conjunction with Saturn, Jupiter was speeding up in anticipation of regaining his powers in the Sign of Pisces. Jupiter has entered Pisces on May 14th and will stay there until July the 28th, when he will retrograde back into Aquarius and will enter Pisces for good only at the end of the year.
We will be making this edition of Talismans with Jupiter in the second degree of Pisces, in two consecutive elections, featuring the same auspicious configuration – The Jupiter-Venus Trine with Mutual Reception by Exaltation (Each in each other exaltation sign).
Election for Venus Jupiter Talismans – June 3rd.2021 between 13:50 – 14:25 (Givataim, Israel). The second elections place Venus on the Midheaven, ruler of the rising sign (Libra), At the hour and day of Jupiter, In an exact trine to Jupiter.
This Talisman mixes the beneficial powers of the three with a marked emphasis on Jupiter.
Together the three generate a pronounced good fortune in almost any endeavour, it is an energy of celebration, optimism, expansion of the heart, joy, adventures, stimulating and exhilarating experiences, self-expression, creativity, and excellence in actions. Ruling the rising sign and on the Midheaven, It signifies rising to success, fame, general good luck and support in career actions and achievement in the world. The Talisman also gets a slight colouring from a harmonies aspects (trine) from Mars (which is also powerful in its own sign) adding drive, energy, and stimulation.